Calling on more blood donors

The team at Preston Rowe Paterson are asking the valuation and property community for some help. You see, one of our Director’s, Alex Haden and his wife Claire recently became parents for the first time.
Their son Ritchie has had some challenges over the past year and as such has required over 20 blood transfusions. Quite literally, these regular transfusions are a complete non-negotiable. Without them Ritchie’s organs would eventually shut down as his little body doesn’t produce its own red blood cells. He is going to need transfusions for the rest of his life.
And that’s where our team and our industry colleagues can help!
In Australia only 1 person in 30 gives blood regularly. In New Zealand that figure is fewer than one in 25 people.
Of course, there is considerable demand, not only from Ritchie, but from accident victims, cancer sufferers and the like.
We can all make a difference. To make an appointment and see if you are eligible to give blood follow these links:
In Australia:
In New Zealand:
If you would like to read a little bit more about Ritchie’s journey, he recently featured in the New Zealand Press in a drive for more donors.
Thanks for your consideration of this life saving initiative.